Hubby films his wife gets fucked by neighbor
46,091 94%
3 years ago
Updated 1 minute ago
اگه من اونجا بودم، خودم کص زنم رو لیس میزدم بعد کیر دوستم رو بعدش آروم فرو میکردم تو کصش و از زیر کص زنم رو با زبون بازی میدادم تا بهترین لذت رو ببریم
adrdriver 1 year ago
Truly beautiful, hubby must be very proud of her, we are sure that there would be far fewer divorces and separations if more couples played in the lifestyle like this.
What's with the very serious facial expression at the end? Its like she suddenly realized he was filming the whole thing lol